SPONSOR: hbkcpa.com/consultants/richard-c-morrow/ Lk 4:18 The Lord has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor and to proclaim liberty to captives. ![]() It amuses me when someone doubts angels. I find it funny because I know, without any sliver of doubt or nanosecond of hesitation, that angels exist. Oh yes they do, ding dang it. If they didn't, how could we explain all the "near hits" (I don't consider them "near misses" if calamity is avoided; that's a solid miss, no?) that occur every day on the third rock. Be they in the car, on a plane, in a stairwell, along a trail, in a boat, weathering a huge storm...or any old time and place you ALMOST meet with horrific tragedy--but DON'T; how do you think you escaped? David Blaine? Maybe Chris Angel (couldn't resist) but nah, neither. What about bursts of light or oddly placed prisms (rainbows) that suddenly appear around, near or above you in the midst of a particularly dark moment? Or the flip side: clouds that are perfectly formed in an angel's likeness (think halos and wings) ...or that break open to reveal bursts of sunlight jutting through them? What, you think that's like, Jim Cantori's doing? Look, I love The Weather Channel, too, but...nope. Still don't believe me? Then explain away those inexplicable but undeniable "corner of my eye" situations. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, yo. You're apprehensive about something, maybe even a little frightened, when suddenly, you catch a glimpse of someone or something only to look up and bam! She's gone. Yet, you are somehow calmed and comforted by the whole exchange. Coincidence? Nuh uh. Oooh and there's my absolute favorite form...the kind of angels who work through your family members and friends via little --or sometimes not so little-- words or expressions or gestures. It could be thanking you for something you wrote or said to cheer them ... or mailing you an uplifting card ... or putting together an amazingly thoughtful piece of personalized wall art (still crying with joy, work fam!) ... Or leaving secret admirer Kris Kringle gifts (love ya, Jodi!) ... or even bringing you a bottle of your favorite sugar-free creamer because you forgot to pack yours this morning (Gina, Kevin, Kels---MWAH!), you dig? Ah yes, angels ARE in the outfield, my friends. And the infield. And midfield, backfield and just hanging out over in the wheat, corn, clover or any old field, Capisce? And I for one, am so grateful that they spend as much time helping the humans as they do. #IBelieveInAngels Here's hoping you're thanking your Guardian Angels; they sure do dig you tons, a'ight? #ThankYouFriendAngels #LoveYouFam #GodIsReal #AngelsExist #Pray #Peace
1/8/2020 01:42:15 pm
You crossed the line with Jim Cantori.....BAHAHAHAHA
Arleen Marinucci
7/16/2020 09:40:08 am
Definitely believe in angels!
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