Sponsor: hbkswealth.com/staff/anthony-j-scrocco/ JN 4: I am the way and the truth and the life, says the Lord; no one comes to the Father except through me. JN 14: "Do not let your hearts be troubled...In my Father's house there are many dwelling places..."It's easy to look at the world around us with negativity. To focus on what's wrong or unjust or plain old broken in our society...in our communities...maybe even in our own homes. I'm not talking about that creaking third step, you dig? No, any old human can view the world with bitterness, contempt, skepticism, doubt, and a general sense of mistrust. Shoot, that's easy. In fact, all of us earthlings do it from time to time. Okay, some do it nearly constantly. But the harder option is to flip that coin. To look at what's good and just and happy and bright and right all over this big round ball we're all trying so hard not to fall off of, okay? Do you think it was easy for Winston Churchill to stand alone (at first) against Nazi Germany? Or for Desmond Tutu to oppose apartheid in South Africa? How about William Tyendale, who translated the bible into English even though it was unlawful at the time, and was eventually executed for it? Rosa Parks could have given up her seat. Mother Theresa could have stayed in Albania instead of helping the poor in Calcutta...and ultimately, around the world. And what about the bravest man in all of human history? He could have easily come down from that cross on that bitter Friday. But they didn't. So, the next time you think all is lost or life is icky or there's just not anything safe or decent or respectable or good left on the third rock, have a little faith. It's sorta like Dawn dish-washing liquid or a Bit-O-Honey bar: a little goes a long way, Capisce? #KeepTheFaith #Believe #Pray #Peace