Sponsored by [email protected] The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Only goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life; And I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come. ![]() It’s not uncommon to learn that any given Wednesday is National Something-Or-Other-Day. A few of the more odd observances that leap to mind are: National Recliner Day (when the whole point is to be lazy), National Take-Your-Tarantula to Work Day (um, not sure I‘d want to be employed by or beside folks participating in this one, yo), National Eat-til-You-Puke Day (or, Thanksgiving, as the rest of us call it in ‘Murica), National Wear Two Different Socks Day (what; this is only supposed to happen once a year?). I must admit, some of the days are just plain ridiculous. Some are adorable. And some, like today, are a fabulous reminder of how to treat the other humans. Today is National “Be An Angel” Day. #Aw This is the one day a year when those who offer kindness to others are honored. Hmm. Well, the Catholic school girl in me is a little offended by this concept. Shouldn’t we ALL be offering kindness to others EVER DAY OF THE YEAR? #Duh So, here’s to those who live the Golden Rule as like, you know, a rule. And I hope your day is full of angelic acts — on both the giving and receiving ends of the spectrum, Capisce? #BeKindEveryday #ShowCompassion #AngelsAreReal P.S. Make sure to give some extra hugs out today—-squeeze your angel tight, yo.
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8/23/2018 07:50:57 am
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