SPONSORS: www.hbkcpa.com/consultants/melissa-crowley/ www.cailorfleming.com Jn 8:12 I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life.![]() I have to say that I've felt this way for quite some time now. It's just that I'm always hesitant to broach a topic that could be easily construed as controversial. Especially in the current political climate, I am reticent to even mention the subject. But, no. You know what? This country was founded on certain indisputable rights (I never spell inalienable correctly, so I cheated there). Anyway, freedom of speech is a biggie, ding dang it. So, I will state my piece. Hmpf. Because there is a certain faction of the populous in these United States that I feel is treated poorly. In a place where we claim to celebrate diversity and individualism, how can this injustice persist in 2020? Look, It's just one group's preferred way of being … and yes, fine, okay, perhaps what some might refer to as peculiar. Whatever, we're not hurting anybody? I've been silent too long, friends; I am crying out in defense of the solitary. For generations now, the word hermit has carried on its well-hidden back the shame of stigma and I, for one, feel it's high time for the bigotry and intolerance to end! There, I said it. On behalf of semi-recluses everywhere, I must beseech you: LEAVE US ALONE ALREADY! But like, literally. I'm not sure exactly how everyone arrives at this life-choice. I assume it's transition that typically occurs slowly over a period of several years; maybe decades? Sort of the same way a hairline recedes, or a beach erodes, or Pamela Anderson embraces middle age --- or marriage ---- or clothing, you dig? Girl, you're 52, come on now. Ahem. But for me, at least, the change was abrupt and absolute. KABLAM! Mommyhood = homebodi-ness. Sure, I used to be THAT person. You know her; she's fairly annoying. "Come on, guys, it's almost Friday; what are our weekend plans?" I'd say like clockwork weekly from about age 16 to 30. Back in the day, I'd toss out suggestions like Elizabeth Taylor did husbands:
Today, however, I'm so much happier sitting on the couch; preferably with my boys and our Monnie girl seated nearby … munching snacks and watching a new Netflix release. #MyHappyPlace Leaving the house at 10PM, staying out until closing time and grabbing breakfast with the girls at Perkin's afterward? Yeah, those nights are completely gone --like Lori Loughlin's Hallmark channel contract . Look, it's not that I NEVER wanted to leave my cave, er, house after becoming a Mom; I still loved getting together with my pals … always for kid-friendly food and fun, fer sure. But the older I've become, the more I find myself drawn within … la casa, capisce? And why not? We eremites have everything we need at home; especially now that Amazon delivers everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to your doorstep by the time you finish paying for your online purchase, a'ight? So what if I don't like clubbing or concert-going or, you know, like, staying up past 9:30PM anymore? I can see the stage WAY better from my TV. Besides, I can watch in my sweats, without judgement --- and my ears won't be ringing in the morning. So there! #IAMSOOLD #HELPME Kimerer is a columnist, blogger and semi-loner. Contact her in her underground bunker via www.patriciakimerer.com
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