Sponsored by www.linkedin.com/in/jimdascenzo/ It's hard not to fear the fryer once you've gotten burned with hot, hopping oil, isn't it? You know what I mean, maybe you've been frying pork chops on the stove top or dropping potato strips into the Fry Daddy or plunking a whole turkey into a vat of oil in some makeshift outdoor contraption Uncle Harvey fashioned from an aluminum garbage can. #SoNotSafe But, once that scalding spatter hits your arms or, heaven forbid, face, you tend to make a very strong argument for one of those new-fangled Air Fryers, Capisce? #WayHealthierAnyway The point is, just because you've been hurt by a friendship gone wrong or blindsided by an unfaithful significant other or harmed (emotionally or physically) by someone you thought you could count on does not mean that you should never put your trust in another human. It just means you need to surround yourself with the right ones. Shoot, every so often, you're lucky enough to have a day when you not only meet one of the kind homo sapiens, but it also happens to coincide with a rare case of mild temperatures and sunshine in a northeast Ohio January. And just like that, you're not afraid of the fryer anymore. #HaveFaith #IBelieveMostPeopleAreGood #FindYourHappy
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