![]() SPONSOR: www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-joe-ledford-03407421/ Jn 8:12 I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life. I know you know him. Or her. That exasperating guy. Or gal. The one who causes shaken heads and icy shudders everywhere he/she goes. You know the ones. They are what I like to call equal opportunity offenders. They never met a person, observed a group, or encountered a campaign or cause with which they couldn't find immediate and intense fault. Calling them critics would be like calling Josh Groban a backup singer, you dig? These dudes and dudettes take insulting other humans to an astral plane. They are pot stirrers of the highest caliber. I mean, Bobby Flay's got NOTHING on them in the grilling department, Capisce? And the ironic thing about a hater is...they are the humans in most need of love. For whatever reason, something has gone horribly wrong in their psyche -- to the point that the only way they feel validated is by completely annihilating some poor passerby. It's sad, really, when somebody has such a low opinion of self that they must resort to hacking apart someone else's self-esteem to feel any self worth or respect. Next time a Nasty Ned or Nellie try to do a number on YOU; keep these three things in mind: 1. How someone lashes out about you speaks nothing of your character...but screams volumes about theirs. Your reaction defines you. 2. Adding darkness to darkness doesn't make it any lighter, right? Hate begets hate. Only love could soften the heart of The Grinch ... and we see how he turned things around, now, don't we? 3. Frowning causes wrinkles. He/she will look a decade older than you in no time. #HugAHater #PeaceIsCool #Pray
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