Spons: www.cailorfleming.com/ https://chickfilasouthernpark.com/ https://www.hbkcpa.com/consultants/joseph-c-ledford/ Ps 2 Blessed are all who take refuge in the Lord.![]() You know how, some days you awake with a song circling your cranium? Well, today, Nancy Sinatra was strolling through my gray matter, yo. For whatever unapparent reason -- Hey, why do people always say "For whatever apparent reason...." when the cause is vague? Either way. For whatever unapparent reason, "These Boots Were Made for Walking" is stuck on repeat in my mental boom box today. Sigh. It's not that I hate the song, per say. I don't love it. But, I definitely wouldn't include it on the "Soundtrack of My Life: PK's List of Favorite Tunes" - a'ight? Ergo, I really can't point to a reason that would be a thought in my head today ...or, like, ever. I haven't heard it lately. It wasn't featured in any shows I'm currently binge-watching. I've not frequented the "Whiskey-A-Go-Go" or caught any old episodes of "Laugh In" in recent times. Man, I really dated myself on that last one. I digress. I tried to drown Nancy out of my brain by racking it with silent screams of: WHY, OH, WHY IS THIS SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD????????? AAARRRRRRGGGHHHHHH!! After a bit, I just accepted it: this was the day these boots were gonna walk all over me. Hmpf. When suddenly, out of nowhere like the song itself, I stopped that mini-skirted maven right in her tracks: AHA! I thought aloud. It's all about the walkin'. As in, I'm missing my steps, yo. Indeed, another super-awesome quarantine caveat is the decrease in daily physical activity from which most of us seem to be suffering these days. My Fit Bit actually Friend Requested me on Facebook with a sad emoji and the message: I miss you! Okay, maybe I'm getting a little punchy from so many straight days of complying with Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's grounding. Don't get me wrong, I think he's doing a great job. He's leading the pack on successful social distancing, natch. It's just that I can't help but feel that if folks throughout the nation would simply adhere to the practices the way they should, that darned curve would be a pancake by now. Stop it. You missed curfew and now the rest of us are stuck in the house because of y'all. Grr. Dude, how hard is it to just follow the rules and do the right thing? If I see one more defiant crowd pop up, my boots are gonna kick some arse, Capisce? Knock it off already or I'm gonna track you down and force you to listen to Nancy Sinatra songs 24/7 for a week; you feel me --and my boots? #StopGathering #FollowSocialDistance #StaySafe #AloneTogether #HangInThere #Pray #Peace
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