GRATEFUL GIRL'S THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Sponsored by An Open Letter to the Man Who Picked Me Up Yesterday: Dear sweet man who was sitting in the left rear of the church at 10:30AM Mass at St. Christine's parish yesterday ... THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me after my fall from grace and swooping in to rescue me...from myself. Literally. #imaklutz You see, I'd been rushing to the OTHER ladies' room after a line developed in the one nearest my seat. Seeing that most of those waiting to use the potty were under the age of five (and remembering that little bladders are tough to control), I made a beeline for the other side of the church; almost running because I wanted to make it back to my seat before the communion lines were done. I didn't want to cause a ruckus by walking noisily back up the aisle once the church was silent, you see. #irony Well, the desire to tread lightly and draw no attention to myself disappeared into thin air after I hit a wet spot, wiped out and hit the church floor. Hard. #thud Yet, you wasted no time at all running over and lifting me from under my arms to stand me upright once again, kind sir. There's no doubt in my mind that you're someone's Dad, it was a very paternal move. And thanks to the other kind folks who offered a hand as I hightailed it to the restroom in utter humiliation and crushing embarrassment. When I finally made it to the restroom and looked at my reflection, we couldn't help but laugh uproariously (good thing there was some heavenly music emanating from the altar) at the thought of how hilarious I must have looked doing my best Chevy Chase pratfall right there in the middle of Mass. I mean, I could actually see both of my feet in front of my face in what seemed like a slow motion movie moment. #iamacatastrophewaitingtohappen So, thank you, sweet gentleman, for helping a gal with a bruised wrist and hip and even more shattered ego. And, please, if anyone there has guilt over laughing at my spectacle, don't worry about it for a second. No one thinks it's funnier than this clumsy kook. #thankGodforkindstrangers #everybodyfallsdown #justgetbackup PS 3:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 R. (8a) Lord, rise up and save me. O LORD, how many are my adversaries! Many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, "There is no salvation for him in God." But you, O LORD, are my shield; my glory, you lift up my head! When I call out to the LORD, he answers me from his holy mountain. When I lie down in sleep, I wake again, for the LORD sustains me. I fear not the myriads of people arrayed against me on every side. Alleluia Lk 7:16 A great prophet has arisen in our midst and God has visited his people.
1 Comment
1/30/2018 08:28:36 am
Better have that wrist looked at........
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