Spon: www.cailorfleming.com/ https://chickfilasouthernpark.com/ https://www.hbkcpa.com/consultants/james-dascenzo/ Ps 18: I love you Lord, my strength.![]() As luck would have it, I happened to be working on a little sumthin’ sumthin’ at my day job this week as it relates to e-mail and telephone decorum. Given our status of not being able to touch the other humans with a 10-foot pole these days, it seemed only fitting to shoot off a few reminders about how to co-speak professionally, respectfully, and well, just, well, in a nutshell. Just your standard, regular old, what-we-oughta-be-doin’-as-a-rule-anyway kind of stuff. The fine art of essence expression, as it were. Things such as: Essential E-Mail Etiquette:
--and--- Proper Phone Protocol:
Now, at this writing, the second Presidential Debacle, oops, I mean, Debate, has yet to catch on fire. I’m sorry, again. I meant, transpire. I’d love to fax, text, e-mail, phone-in, smoke signal, or otherwise shoot up a flare of my little decency reminders to President Trump and Vice President Biden. Seriously. Like, for reals. But I don’t know that either side would welcome my talking points. In fact, I am fairly certain I’d have more luck getting preschoolers to adhere to them than these two ---and I’m going WAY, WAY out on a structurally unsound limb here— gentlemen. So, I did a little digging and found the following Pre-K Classroom Rules that I think are equally applicable to: very small children just learning about life and very cranky old men vying to become the leader of the free pandemic world. -Keep your hands to yourself. Indeed, six feet is not nearly far enough apart for this cantankerous couple. -Cover your cough. Better still, maybe hold the entire event with masks on? That way, they’d spend the whole time going, “What did he say?” -Be kind to each other. “Shut up.” “You’re stupid.” “He’s a clown.” Now, these are “no no” words; got it, mister? -Listen to the teacher and take turns. To be clear, this doesn’t mean scream louder than your neighbor. -Use your inside voice. What did I JUST say??? Even though I don’t know how it went; I can take a wild guess there were no bumped fists or air kisses, Capisce? For the last time, you two, knock it off or you’re both headed to the corner … on a carpet square and seated crisscross applesauce. Good luck campaigning in the pretzel position, Grumpy Guses! Kimerer is a columnist who just wants a little more nice …and nap time. Visit her via www.patriciakimerer.com
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