![]() Sponsored by hbkcpa.com/consultants/james-dascenzo/ I keep looking down at my boots today. Poor little overworked buggers. I guess I was hoping by the end of March I could give them a rest. #WillThisWinterEverEnd But apparently I should keep them handy for a while yet because this winter is, by all accounts, one of the most stubborn, tenacious and persistent ones we've had in the recent past. #ForecastCallsForSnowFriday Just this morning, I heard that there's a warrant out for the arrest of Punxsutawney Phil for public deception after he predicted winter would end by March 16. #DontShootTheMessenger The fate of the most famous rodent in Pennsylvania not withstanding, the whole winter-from-hex thing got me to thinking about how prominent boots are in our civilized world, overall. I mean, we need them for cold, wet, muddy or otherwise imperfect conditions. They get us through freezing winters and sloppy springs and let's face it, sometimes we buy a pair or two solely for their aesthetic appeal then bust them out as soon as it's cool enough in the fall, yo. We refer to being afraid as "Quaking in your boots" or perishing in battle as "Dying with your boots on." When we are rebuffed or shunned, it's called getting, you guessed it, "The Boot." The toughest part of military training? Boot camp. Then again, when we want to recharge or start from scratch, we "reboot," don't we? Makes sense, I mean, these boots WERE made for walkin'. And perhaps much, more more...Hmm. Maybe I should stop looking at my poor little old put-upon boots as reminders of something negative and start appreciating them for carrying me through all the seasons of my life? Yep, I think I'll pull myself up by the bootstraps and start seeing my "shoes extraordinaire" ...and a whole lot of other stuff... much more positively. After all, life is what we make it; rain, snow or sun and besides, without the boots, we couldn't splash in the puddles, Capisce? #LaughThroughtheRain #BeHappyEveryday #MakeYourOwnSunshine Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14 R. (1a) The Lord is my light and my salvation. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The LORD is my life's refuge; of whom should I be afraid? When evildoers come at me to devour my flesh, My foes and my enemies themselves stumble and fall. Though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear; Though war be waged upon me, even then will I trust. I believe that I shall see the bounty of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD with courage; be stouthearted, and wait for the LORD. Verse Before the Gospel Hail to you, our King; you alone are compassionate with our faults.
Catherine Humphries
3/28/2018 12:32:34 pm
Patty, Same problems with my boots. ..My favorite, wear with everything "Tom's" boots, are worn out, and the same flexible style is no longer available. ..I don't think this pair I'm wearing will last out the extended winter weather. "Oh Spring, Oh Spring where art thou?"
4/10/2018 12:22:27 pm
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