SPONSOR: www.linkedin.com/in/keithverescpa/ Ps 103: The Lord is kind and merciful. Merciful and gracious is the LORD, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. He will not always chide, nor does he keep his wrath forever. You are very, very important. You are. Maybe you just forgot? Or perhaps some of the more dastardly of the earth dwellers in your part of the globe have convinced you otherwise. Nonsense. You are here -- and not just to take up space and occupy matter. You are here for a reason. Could be that you're going to cure a disease? Might be you're going to lead a nation someday? There's a chance you'll unearth a rare relic or invent a new element ... or like, a really cool app ... that changes humanity for the better. Maybe you're going to give birth to the next Eisntein? Sorry, I think I already checked that box. Wink. You might be a world class athlete or pianist or baker or gardener or professor or astronomer... Then again, maybe you're gonna be the guy or gal that makes other people smile -- and have courage -- and believe. Guess what? Every single one of these talents, skills, attributes, and characteristics is equally important. I take it back; the latter most tops the list. Why? Because small gestures can make big differences on a planet. Just ask the elderly woman who's so grateful for the kindness of a parking lot attendant's assistance, or the man with the broken leg who wasn't sure how he was going to carry his briefcase, maneuver his crutches AND get on and off the elevator without the helping hand of an empathetic passerby, or the small child who accidentally got separated from but, with the aid of a forthright stranger. found his way back to his Mommy. Better still, ask the Mommy, Capisce? You're capable and relevant and you contribute in a way that impacts others. Whether that way is grand or minute belies the point ... it's your capacity to and willingness to give and care that make you the wonderful, fabulous YOU the world needs. Somebody up there liked you enough to put you on the best of all the planets we know of, you dig? So don't let any Neanderthal tell you you're less than. You are very, very important. #BelieveInYourself #HaveFaith #Smile #Pray #Peace
Catherine Humphries
8/4/2019 10:13:50 pm
Thank you, for this inspirational, sweet, wholesome, Godly message, that defies the anti God Satanic "evil forces wandering the world, seeking the ruins of souls", including by mass killings.
8/5/2019 11:58:08 am
Cathy, thank you for your undying support! Much love and God bless!!!
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