SPONSOR: www.linkedin.com/in/jimdascenzo/ Mk 1:15 The Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel. I have this flaw. Oh hex, who am I kidding? I've got a boat load of 'em. Like, the QEII size of boat, know what I'm sayin? #NoOnesPerfect But one of my more prevalent faults is being overly sensitive. That is to say, I can't hear a troubling story on the evening news, listen to a heart-wrenching song on the radio, or even catch a glimpse of a mushy Hallmark card commercial without welling up. #ImACryer By the same token --hey, why does that phrase mean the same thing as 'on the flip side'? See Sunday's column for more on stuff that doesn't sound like what it really means. I digress. Anyway, correspondingly, no one will be happier for you in your victories, proud of you in your achievements, or loyal to you in your tribulations than old PK. I totally love the other humans; they are my favorite two-legged peeps on the third rock. #DogPerson I make no apologies for being hyper empathetic or way true blue; except to say, I'm sorry if it bugs any of the humans -- or canines. What I refuse to lament is how I feel toward those homosapiens who wantonly, knowingly, and with full malice opt for hurting other earth-dwellers JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN. I don't like that. Knock it off, as my Pop would say when we got too rowdy in the backseat of the station wagon on a long trip. Not only is it mean but also, it will cause extra wrinkles, higher BP, and more age spots (and sooner!) than your kinder counterparts. Fine I might've made all that up but it COULD be true! Oh, and one more thing: NONE of it goes unnoticed. Sure, down here on earth, it may just be some poor, lowly schlub like PK who observes your blatant disregard for the feelings of others. But believe me when I tell you that my girl Karma is also watching. More importantly, so is the Big Guy of like, you know, everything. ALL. THE. TIME. SO --- "You better watch whaddayou say. You better watch whaddaya do ta me!" as Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers always advised. #YaBigCreep Be warned, big stupid mean heads. You may think you're just fryin' a few small fish ... but you might just be the one who ends up outside the pan when it's all said and done, Capisce? #BeKind #LoveOneAnother #HaveEmpathy #Pray #Peace
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