Sponsored by [email protected]When it all comes down to it; you hold the cards. I mean, sure, there are a ton of things in this world over which you have no control. That's called reality. And yes, there are and always will be a bazillion other things about which you haven't the slightest clue. And for you teen/early 20-somethings (and younger), this is an important lesson to learn ASAP, okay? It's not a crime that you don't know everything; shh...here's a secret: nobody on earth does. Not even you. Deal with it. And speaking of dealing... Whether or not you choose to go for a Royal Straight, a Full House, Four of a Kind or even just stick with the two pair you were dealt; you really are holding the cards. Be smart with them; don't go all in for a pair of deuces, Capisce? Careful with the bluffing. Protect your hand, yo, because you only get so many cards. BT Dubs, these are the cards: -Being kind...always. -Seeing the positive in others. -Laughing --- a lot. Every day. Especially at situations that go horribly wrong but through which no one is harmed in any way. -Reacting to a bully, grump or big ol' meany pants. -Respecting others' rights and opinions. And their rights to their opinions; even if you don't share them. -Giving; especially to those in greatest need. -Caring about the earth and its dwellers. -Finding beauty ... even when it's hiding really, really well. -Forgiving. This includes you. -Showing gratitude. Every day. -PRAYING. 'Nuff said. Good luck, keep an eye on your chips and, whatever else you do, please play fair. Mt 14:22-36 Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and precede him to the other side of the sea ... Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore, was being tossed about by the waves ... he came toward them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified ... At once Jesus spoke to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid." Peter said to him in reply, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come." Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" After they got into the boat, the wind died down. Those who were in the boat did him homage, saying, "Truly, you are the Son of God."
8/8/2018 12:04:31 pm
Catherine Humphries
8/9/2018 10:17:54 pm
Love this; ..Love U.
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